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Why Do I Have to Pay for a New Employee Handbook If I Already Have One?

June 17th, 2024 | 4 min. read

By Kelli Lewis

new employee handbook blog

If you haven’t encountered any issues with your current handbook, why change?

HR problems and employee lawsuits aren’t something anyone can anticipate, but your handbook is one of the few things that can protect you from such liability.

With a proven track record of helping small businesses like yours, Whirks brings deep expertise in HR and compliance. Our team stays updated on all regulatory changes, making sure your handbook meets legal standards while also supporting a thriving, productive workforce.

If you’re like most small businesses, someone from your team created your employee handbook a couple of years ago and no one has touched it since. The thing is, the world of work is always evolving, and so are the laws and regulations that govern it. This article explains why updating your handbook is a smart move that pays off in the long run.

Reason 1: Labor Laws Are Constantly Changing

Labor laws are constantly evolving at both the federal and state levels. What was compliant a few years ago might no longer meet current legal standards. An outdated handbook can leave your business vulnerable to lawsuits and fines.

Why Legal Updates Matter

  • Anti-Discrimination Policies: Laws protecting employees from discrimination based on race, gender, age, and other factors are frequently updated.
  • Wage and Hour Regulations: Minimum wage, overtime, and other compensation-related laws can change.
  • Safety Standards: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations can be updated.

Ongoing Compliance Checks

When we create your handbook and you begin services with Whirks, your handbook becomes a “living” document.

This means as federal and state laws change, we will update your policies throughout the year. These ongoing checks verify that your handbook remains current and compliant, protecting you and your business from any legal changes that arise.

Reason 2: Your Handbook Should Reflect Current Workforce Needs

Every business is unique, and your handbook should reflect the specific needs and characteristics of your workforce. Whether your employees are spread across different states or working in different capacities, like hybrid or remote roles, your handbook should reflect these variations.

Customized Handbook Features

  • State-Specific Policies
  • Remote Work Guidelines
  • Hybrid Roles

Reason 3: Professional Expertise Enhances Your Handbook
While you're the expert in your business, we're the pros in making sure your HR practices are spot on. Letting us revamp your handbook gives you the peace of mind to stay focused on what you do best—growing your business. Trust us to keep you in the clear and make your handbook an asset, not a liability.
Advantages of Professional HR Services
Expert Knowledge: We understand the intricacies of labor laws and HR best practices, making your handbook both comprehensive and compliant.
Ongoing Support: Our services don’t stop at creating the handbook. We provide ongoing support and updates to keep your policies current.
Risk Mitigation: A professionally crafted handbook helps mitigate risks associated with HR issues and employee lawsuits, protecting your business from potential legal challenges.
Reason 4: Outdated Handbooks Can Lead to Legal Risks
Having a legally compliant handbook protects your business from potential lawsuits. It provides a clear reference point for both employees and management, reducing the risk of disputes over unclear or outdated policies.
Benefits of Legal Compliance
Reduced Legal Risks: Minimize the chances of costly lawsuits and penalties.
Clear Expectations: Clearly defined policies help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
Consistency: Ensure consistent enforcement of rules and procedures.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your employee handbook is up-to-date and compliant allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.
Reason 5: Engaging Employees with Up-to-Date Policies

Customizing to Reflect Your Company's Culture

Your employee handbook isn’t just a rulebook; it’s a way to show your company’s unique values and culture. A customized handbook can help build a stronger, more engaged workforce.

  • Company Values and Culture: A handbook tailored to your company communicates your values and creates a stronger bond with your employees.
  • Clarity and Consistency: Clear, consistent policies help everyone understand what’s expected, reducing confusion and boosting productivity.

Reason 3: Engaging Employees with Up-to-Date Policies

A tailored handbook is easier for employees to understand and follow, reducing confusion and increasing compliance. Clear, specific guidelines help employees know exactly what is expected of them, which can improve overall workplace harmony and productivity.

Use a consistent format and tone throughout the handbook, incorporating plain, simple language and supporting it with visual aids like infographics or examples.

Reason 4: Outdated Handbooks Can Lead to Legal Risks

Having a legally compliant handbook protects your business from potential lawsuits. It provides a clear reference point for both employees and management, reducing the risk of disputes over unclear or outdated policies.

Benefits of Legal Compliance

  • Reduced Legal Risks: Minimize the chances of costly lawsuits and penalties.
  • Clear Expectations: Clearly defined policies help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Consistency: Ensure consistent enforcement of rules and procedures.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your employee handbook is up-to-date and compliant allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your business.

Reason 5: Professional Expertise Enhances Your Handbook

While you're the expert in your business, we're the pros in making sure your HR practices are spot on. Letting us revamp your handbook gives you the peace of mind to stay focused on what you do best—growing your business. Trust us to keep you in the clear and make your handbook an asset, not a liability.

Advantages of Professional HR Services

  • Expert Knowledge: We understand the intricacies of labor laws and HR best practices, making your handbook both comprehensive and compliant.
  • Access to HR Hotline: Our services don’t stop at creating the handbook. We offer access to an HR hotline for real-time advice and support on HR issues, providing expert guidance whenever you need it.
  • Risk Mitigation: A professionally crafted handbook helps mitigate risks associated with HR issues and employee lawsuits, protecting your business from potential legal challenges.

Why a New Handbook is a No-Brainer

Investing in a new employee handbook might seem like an unnecessary expense, but laws change and your workforce evolves, so your handbook needs to keep up. A fresh, updated handbook not only protects your business from legal risks but also helps maintain a positive, productive workplace.

Updating your employee handbook can feel overwhelming, but it’s a crucial step for maintaining compliance and reflecting your company’s values. If you're also considering switching payroll providers to support these updates, you might have some concerns.

At Whirks, we’re here to help make all your transitions as easy and stress-free as possible. To make the process smoother and avoid common pitfalls, check out our next article, Top 5 Fears of Switching Outsourced Payroll Providers.