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150 Things HR Professionals Worry About

January 27th, 2020 | 1 min. read

By Greg Henderson

So HR just hires people, right? If you work in an HR role, you’re shaking your head. ThinkHR compiled the following list of 150 topics that HR professionals handle. Whirks’ mission is to keep you out of the grind so you can focus on your company’s WHY - the passion behind your organization. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure, you don’t have to go it alone - schedule an appointment with our HRO Manager to talk through the outsourcing options that make sense for your organization. 

  1. Accidents and injuries
  2. Adverse impact
  3. Affirmative action
  4. Age discrimination
  5. Alcohol abuse
  6. Applicant references
  7. Applicant testing
  8. Arbitration agreements
  9. Attendance
  10. Audits
  11. Background checks
  12. Ban-the-Box
  13. Benefits procurement and
  14. Bonus payments
  15. Business/travel expenses
  16. Cafeteria plans
  17. Career planning
  18. Child labor
  19. COBRA
  20. Company culture
  21. Compensation
  22. Complaints and
  23. Compliance review
  24. Compliance posters
  25. Contingent workers
  26. Credit reports
  27. Cybersecurity awareness/
  28. Dating (inter-office)
  29. Disability insurance
  30. Discipline
  31. Discrimination
  32. Dress codes
  33. Drivers
  34. Drug-free workplace
  35. EEO-1 reporting
  36. Email
  37. Emergency response
  38. Employee handbooks
  39. Employee engagement
  40. Employee loans
  41. Employee Retirement
    Income Security Act
  42. Employee surveys
  43. Employment contracts
  44. Equal pay/comparable
  45. Ergonomics
  46. Exit interviews
  47. Fair Credit Reporting Act
  48. Fair employment practices
  49. Fair Labor Standards Act
  50. Family and Medical Leave
    Act (FMLA)
  51. Flexible hours
  52. Gender identity and
    sexual orientation
  53. Government contractor
  54. Grievances
  55. Health and safety
  56. Health Care Reform
    (Affordable Care Act)
  57. Health Insurance
    Portability and
    Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  58. Hiring
  59. Holidays
  60. Homeworkers/
  61. Independent contractors
  62. Interns
  63. Interviews
  64. Investigations
  65. Job descriptions
  66. Layoffs
  67. Leaves of absence
  68. Litigation support
  69. Marital status
  70. Maternity and pregnancy
  71. Medical leave
  72. Mergers and acquisitions support
  73. Minimum wage
  74. Motivation
  75. National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)
  1. National origin
  2. Nepotism
  3. New hire reporting
  4. Noncompetition
  5. Office parties
  6. Orientation/onboarding
  7. Occupational Safety and
    Health Act (OSH Act)
  8. Outplacement
  9. Overtime
  10. Parental leave
  11. Part-time employees
  12. Payroll
  13. Pensions
  14. Performance
  15. Personality assessments
  16. Personnel files
  17. Personnel policies/
  18. Physical examinations
  19. Posting and
  20. Pre-employment medical
  21. Pregnancy discrimination
  22. Prevailing wage
  23. Privacy
  24. Quality improvement
  25. Racial discrimination
  26. Recruiters
  27. Religious discrimination
  28. Religious holidays
  29. Rest and meal periods
  30. Retaliation
  31. Retention of records
  32. Retirement
  33. Return to work
  34. Salary Inquiries and Salary
  35. Salary surveys
  36. Sales compensation
  37. Sales personnel
  38. Searches
  39. Security
  40. Seniority
  41. Severance pay
  42. Sex discrimination
  43. Sexual harassment
  44. Show-up pay
  45. Sick leave
  46. Social media use
  47. Solicitation
  48. Strategic HR
  49. Subpoenas
  50. Succession planning
  51. Suggestion systems
  52. Summary plan
  53. Surveillance
  54. Teamwork
  55. Termination
  56. Time keeping
  57. Tip credits
  58. Trade secrets
  59. Training
  60. Travel time
  61. Turnover
  62. Unemployment
  63. Unions
  64. Vacations
  65. Violence
  66. Wage and hour
  67. WARN Act
  68. Wellness programs
  69. Whistleblowing
  70. White collar overtime
  71. Withholding, deductions,
    and taxes
  72. Workers’ compensation
  73. Workplace bullying
  74. Work for hire doctrine
  75. Wrongful termination